Contact us!

Contact us if you have a question or remark about your job as a meal deliverer.

More and more people are ordering a meal online. This is possible because you cycle (drive) through the city in all weathers. But there is great uncertainty about your income. Because more and more riders are admitted to the different platforms, competition is fierce. You get fewer and fewer bonuses and deliver at lower rates.

The operation of the app is a big black box for you and the other riders. You are always tempted by the app to work when it suits the delivery service. It's an unequal fight for one rider against a major platform company backed by billions of wealthy investors. In which you have no say or negotiating position. Whether you provide meals as a student or have to support your family, everyone is entitled to and benefits from fair agreements.

Questions or remarks?

Do you have a question or comment about working at a meal delivery platform? Fill in the contact form or send your contact details to or send a DM on Facebook.

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